Friday, September 6, 2013

in laws

Nothing like a mother-in-law to ruin your day from the start.

I've had an ongoing issue with my MIL and SIL.  For 10 years now there's always been constant hints about my weight, how they're thinner than me.  I still clearly remember about 6 or so years ago.  I wanted to borrow my SIL's snow pants to go sledding with my son.  She kept mentioning how she didn't think they would fit.  And was very surprised when they did fit.  We wear the same size pants and I actually weigh less than her.  But because I'm a lot shorter than her (I'm only 5 foot even) I look a lot fatter than her.  She could not wrap her mind around the fact that they actually fit me because obviously I'm bigger than her!  And since then it's been little comments here and there about how I'm fatter than her.

And it's started with her mother now too lately.  A couple weeks ago she gave me and pair of pants she had been wearing recently because her words, "they keep falling down on me and your butt is bigger".  Thanks. The thing is, we wear the same size pants!!!!!  And she keeps bugging me about a shirt she bought for her mother.  She asked what size I was wearing and I said that day I was wearing a large (I wear multiple sizes). She said I should try on the shirt because it wwas too small for her mom, it's a 2x but looks small.  I said no thanks.  I didn't like the style.  This morning she brought it to my house because I should ignore the size, it would probably fit.  We wear the same size shirt!!!!!!!!  Why doesn't she try it on?!?!?!    And when her other daughter in law brought some too small clothes of hers for them to try they never bothered leting me try the ones on they didn't want, just stuck them in the garage sale first.  There were size 16 in there.  If it's a small shrunk 16 I can wear it.  I wear anything from 12-16.  But apparently they think I'm bigger than that because they never let me know about them.

I've been trying to learn to live with being overweight.  With being ok with it.  I am currently about 25 pounds higher than I should be, but honestly, I wasn't any happier when I was a size 3 and 104 pounds than I am now.  In order for me to be that skinny again I have learned I can only eat one small meal a day.  I'm sorry, but I love food and Pepsi way too much for that!  I have had 3 c-sections and I am almost 36 years old.  I'm not going to be skinny.  I have always had big thighs and wide hips even when I was a size 3.  I'm actually more accepting of my body now than when I was thin!  But it's days like this that I want to starve myself just to be able to wear a much smaller size than them in order to stop the little comments.  My husband says to ignore them.  They don't realize they're insulting me.  Which is probably true because they're not brightest crayons in the box.  Especially my SIL.  She's really is a little slow mentally, but it's not her fault, something happened when she was little.  But what do I do?  I can't stand the comments anymore.

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