Monday, October 7, 2013

$300 and not better yet

So, I've been having some teeth problems.  Had a horrible toothache upper and lower for 2 weeks!  Finally got in with the dentist.  They messed around with my teeth, did a cold test, took an xray of one tooth.  They told me it MIGHT be my wisdom teeth but they weren't sure because last year I almost needed a root canal.  Gave me a bill for $100 and a referal to the oral surgeon to get my 3 wisdom teeth out.  I still have all 4, but they seem to think I only have 3 left???  A week later (today) I go to get my wisdom teeth out.  He takes an xray and looks at it.  Ask me if my wisdom teeth hurt right then.  I tell him no, the only pain I have is the tooth next to the wisdom tooth.  It hurts when I bite down.  It NEVER hurt before I went to my last dentist appointment and they scrapped next to it looking for trapped food particles!  So, he tells me that if they're not hurting me he doesn't want to take them out because of my age (I'm 36).  And it looks like I might have an abscess under the tooth that hurts.  Great.  10 minutes and $200 later I walk out.  STILL with pain in my mouth.  My dentist was supposed to call me today.  Did he?  No.  Such is my life.

Update:   The cause of my pain was apparently the bottom right impacted wisdom tooth pushing on the roots of the second molar next to it.  However, since I'm old and my wisdom teeth are too close to the nerves they wouldn't pull the wisdom teeth.  So I had to get my second molar pulled.  :-(   Not fair to lose another tooth when it wasn't even my fault.  They could have saved it if the wisdom could have come out :-(

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