Sunday, April 20, 2014


Have I mentioned before that I hate holidays?  It's Easter today. When I was growing up my mom made me a great basket and hid it and then I woke up and had to find it. Then there was the Easter egg hunt outside in the warm sunshine. I grew up in Florida.

Now I live in the half frozen half muddy cold temperatures of northern Michigan. Easter egg hunts outside are filled with mud and or snow. And its not me doing it for MY kids. No, my in laws have taken over that. Two hunts of the same thing would be boring. And easter baskets are no longer special. The kids get one from us and from each side of the grandparents filled with the same exact  candy.  Not special at all. Wish I could move away from family. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Just a Little Chance

Sometimes I wish I had a friend.  I'm 36 and don't have one true friend.  Oh, I have "friends", mostly old friends on Facebook.  But not one that I get together with or talk to everyday, or once a week, or once a year.  Ok, apparently I should just change all my "friends" on facebook to "acquaintances".  With the kids I really don't have time for friends anymore.  I have changed and am so different from all my past friends that we would just not really work anymore.  And apparently I'm too old for penpals now.  Not too many my age on there anymore.  Or maybe I'm just really pathetic and boring and people can just sense that.  Or think they can.  If people would just take the time to know me they might change their mind.  I'm really not that boring or negative or down.  Words just do not come out the right way when I try to write them.   People just don't give me a chance.

Life is Strange

It's so strange to me to see old classmates on Facebook.  Reconnecting with old friends is great, if a little odd at times.  What's weird to me is seeing my old friends being friends with other classmates who were snobby, rude, and downright mean to me in high school.  The popular kids who either ignored me or made my life hell in school.  How are they friends with my old friends now??????  Did they suddenly grow up and she what witches they were as teenagers???  Somehow I really doubt it.  I imagine they are still the same.  Rich, only wears name brands, super thin, and criticizes you if you're not all of those things.